The PSSA is an organisation conducted by interested teachers from within the Education System to promote and provide a variety of sports for students to participate in at a level that supports their skills.
The PSSA provides Knockout Competitions across all sports, Annual Carnivals of Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics and also provides many Training and Development Courses for teachers to attend in order to improve their own sporting knowledge and skills with the aim of returning to their school and sharing this expertise with staff and students.

Annual Carnivals (Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics) are conducted at a School Level, where children can then qualify for the Zone, Regional, State and National Level.
As President of the Cessnock Zone PSSA, I am proud that our Association can provide qualified and interested staff each year to convene and conduct these carnivals and Zone Trials for the students in the Cessnock area across a variety of sports.
The State PSSA Knockout Competition is another avenue for students to display their sporting skills. For students to be involved, individual Schools are required to nominate each year to enter in sports that suit their school. They then play against other schools in a knockout competition format. With interested staff, many schools within our Zone are able to participate in this competition.
The PSSA is beneficial to both students and staff as an outlet to excel, socialise and network. Students are provided with the opportunities to display their sporting skills with the hope that they can gain selection at a higher level or play to support their team.
Interested staff get enjoyment out of coaching and supporting students in their care. Opportunities are available for staff to share their expertise and interest in sport each year by applying for positions to assist with teams at a Zone, Regional and State level.
I have personally been involved with sport and the PSSA for many years. First as a student competing in the school system, then as a parent supporting my children and now as a teacher with the administration and provision of sports for our local students. At the Zone level, I have had different positions within our association and for many years I have held the role of Hunter Region Manager for Athletics and Girls Football. For the last two years I have been the NSW State Manager for Girls Football. All these roles have given me the opportunity to meet many different students, their parents and work along-side teachers from all over NSW and other states. It's a great way to meet people and students.
To help build numbers and support within our zone, the Cessnock Zone PSSA Association would like to invite all schools to nominate one staff member to be their school's delegate to attend our Zone Meetings once a term and report back to their school. Meetings are held at the Cessnock Supporters Club on the third Tuesday of each term.
Kerry Hodges
Cessnock Zone PSSA President
Assistant Principal
Abermain Public School