Cessnock Public School was established in 1859 and is now very much a part of the heritage of Cessnock. It has an experienced staff committed to quality teaching and learning. We are a warm, welcoming school actively promoting an inclusive learning environment.
The school's current priorities are Literacy, Numeracy, Student Engagement and the establishment of effective partnerships between school and families.
There is a strong technology focus to enhance the learning opportunities for all students Interactive Whiteboards can be found in every classroom.
Our staff specialise in providing effective and extensive support programs for children with special needs, monitored by a very active School Learning Support Team. We cater for all students, providing quality individual programs of support tailored to help all students.
Cessnock Public has effective social skills programs occurring across all stages, including the implementation of the Positive Behaviour for Learning strategy and Peer Support.
Our school core values are Go For Learning, Go For Respect and Go For Safety. We promote a safe and happy K to 6 playground with structured activities and quiet areas to cater for all students.
We have a large safe playground with both a new school hall and canteen and all classrooms are air-conditioned. Koe-Nara, the Schools as a Community Centre is also located on our site. Koe-Nara provides parenting programs and workshops, a vegetable and fruit co-operative and a wide range of supported playgroups and other services.
Cessnock Public provides a comprehensive sporting program, including the Active After School Sports project and district competitions. We invite you to contact us to find out more about the great educational opportunities we can offer your child.