Cessnock Community of Great Public Schools (CCGPS)

Telephone02 4990 2331


Abermain Public School

Abermain Public School has over 200 students and a team of staff committed to improving educational outcomes for students. In providing quality teaching for all students, the leadership team and staff have developed a range of initiatives.

The initiatives include a literacy group timetable that provides extra staffing for critical phases of reading instruction, a numeracy group timetable that provides extra staffing for critical phases of maths instruction and a combined outcomes approach that maximises student engagement and syllabus coverage.

The school is involved in National Partnerships for Literacy and Numeracy. In Stages 2 and 3 Reading to Learn is used along with Multilit to improve student outcomes. Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 focus on Best Start for student achievement in the beginning years of school.

Student welfare strategies are guided by the implementation of Positive Behaviours for Learning.


Contact Information

Ian Lamph (Principal) and Debbie Bower (Relieving Principal)

Goulburn Street
Abermain NSW 2326
Phone: 02 4930 4210
Email: abermain-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Website: Abermain Public School