Cessnock Community of Great Public Schools (CCGPS)

Telephone02 4990 2331


Congewai Public School

Congewai Public School, a small, rural school consisting of one multi-stage class, is situated in the picturesque Congewai Valley. We actively strive to provide a supportive, caring environment catering for individual needs so that all students can achieve a comprehensive education.

Our small student numbers and unique learning environment allow students individual support and tailored learning programs.

Our well-resourced classroom, along with a commitment to quality teaching, provides a stimulating environment conducive to attainment of the best possible outcomes for all students.

A strong emphasis is placed on using technology and the classroom is well equipped with computers and relevant technology.

We share a close link to other small schools in our learning community and often combine for sporting, educational and cultural events.

Contact Information

Terri Ferguson (Relieving Principal)
605 Congewai Road
Congewai NSW 2325
Phone: 02 4998 1366
Email: congewai-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Website: Congewai Public School.