Kearsley Public School is a small school located 5 kilometres south of Cessnock. The purpose of our school is to encourage all children to become active and successful participants in the community by providing them with the opportunity to learn and develop personally and socially through individualised support in a safe and enjoyable environment.
The school supports the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) program which promotes respect, responsibility and learning.
Quality teachers and programs focusing on English, Mathematics and engagement have allowed the school to achieve high results in competitions such as the Newcastle Permanent Building Society Mathematics competiton, NSW University Writing, Mathematics and Science examinations.
Kearsley currently participates in the Priority School Program (PSP) which provides the school with additional support for gifted and talented programs and equity to all students.
Students participate in the Newcastle Starstruck performance, video conferencing debating, netball, soccer, softball and basketball PSSA knockout competitions. An extensive Kindergarten orientation program allows for a smooth transition to school.
This program is supported by a playtime group operated once a week by community members for children prior to enrolment at school.
The well presented school buildings and welcoming landscaped play areas are conducive to learning and happiness within the school. We recognise and respect the range of values and attitudes towards learning that exists within the community.
The community expect that quality learning programs will be provided and that the safety of students remain an on-going priority.
It is therefore the school's intention to foster the positive growth of harmony and personal well-being, within this atmosphere striving for a personal best in any or all endeavours becomes a worthwhile and achievable goal.