Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is an initiative supported by all sixteen schools, to promote and maximize academic achievement and behavioural competence. PBL is a school-wide strategy, for helping all students achieve important social and learning goals. We all know that when good behaviour and good teaching come together, our students will excel in their learning.
As part of the PBL program, schools establish several clear values and expectations for the behaviour they expect in all areas of their school, explicitly teaching these expectations to the students. Schools then reward students frequently with positive reinforcement for their great behaviour.
Our schools are continuing to improve school morale, classroom teaching time and student success, by applying consistent consequences and positive reinforcement for all students. By detailing expected behaviour and teaching in a positive way, we will provide a common language for everyone in our schools, including students, teachers, front office staff and our parents and caregivers.
We believe that by helping students practice good behaviour, we will build a school community where all students have an environment where they respect themselves and others, feel safe daily to learn, and enjoy their school experience!
The information you are reading here, is common with all schools in our Cessnock Community of Great Public Schools so our students across the Cessnock Community, from kindergarten to year 12, are hearing a consistent, positive behaviour message. All schools value your input and support towards reaching these outcomes.

The expectations for all student behaviour will be clear throughout our schools, classrooms and playgrounds. You would be able to ask your student...
"What is the behaviour expected in your school?"
"How do you show that behaviour?
"What happens when a teacher sees you showing positive behaviour?
Each school has slightly different values/expectations yet they all relate in some way to highly positive values: Respect, Responsibility, Safety, Learning, Excellence, Teamwork. These values and expectations are often seen in many school offices, classrooms, halls and playgrounds. On your next visit, look out for the positive signs and messages and start a conversation with your teacher about the way positive behaviour is acknowledged at your child's school.